Compact City in Hong Kong
Urban design has a long history in China since the continuous civil
history and culture, while many cities after the World War Ⅱ became
inefficient due to the dispersed formation compared with European cities,
citizens suffered from the longtime travelling from home to work, which
eventually resulted in the high dependency on automobile. Like many other Asian
cities, those Chinese cities spent a little investment in the equipment of
infrastructure at the beginning of the city’s development and design, Thus
compact city turned out to be the answer of inefficient city management.
Although the idea of compact city has been seen the one of the most
basic principles in urban design in China after the Reform in 1980s, it is
still under the discussion about whether compact could be seen as the answer
for a future sustainable urban formation. Hong Kong could be seen one of the
best examples of compact city not only due to it is one of the most densely
cities around the world- averagely over six thousand people live in one
kilometer square, but also the urban form itself services for the compact city.
Many public housing projects such as New Town and Resettlement Project created
small blocks that consisted of narrow streets and high towers, apartments in
those buildings are small and equipped with public bathroom and kitchen. The
compact city formation created its own unique culture, high density and chaos
of immigration (both legal and illegal) resulted in the criminal paradise,
which attracted the attention of film makers and novel writers around the